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Economic Development Programs

Microfinance Program

Over the years, the program has directly assisted about 2 million entrepreneurs—ranging from small startups to large businesses—by providing income-generating activities (IGAs) and agricultural support through 105 branches across 2372 villages, 515 unions, and 67 upazilas in 22 districts.

(RMTP) Ecology-Friendly Safe Vegetable Production and Marketing

Rural Microenterprise Transformation Project is run by SDC with support from PKSF and IFAD. It aims to empower 10,000 vegetable farmers to increase their income and develop small businesses.

RMTP – Enhancing Income of Entrepreneurs through Production and Marketing of Oil seed

The project aims to increase the income of small and marginal farming families and entrepreneurs by promoting high-yielding mustard cultivation, safe mustard oil production, and marketing through Cold Oil Press Technology.

RMTP – Market Development of Safe Poultry and Poultry Breed Products 

SDC is implementing RMTP – Market Development of Safe Poultry and Poultry Breed Products” project, aimed at enhancing the income, food security, and nutritional status of marginalized groups, small farmers, and market entrepreneurs in Faridpur district.

Recovery and Advancement of Informal Sector Employment (RAISE)

The “Recovery and Advancement of Informal Sector Employment” (RAISE) project, supported by PKSF and implemented by the Society Development Committee (SDC), aims to rehabilitate and
empower COVID-19-affected entrepreneurs and enterprises in the Faridpur and Rajbari regions of Bangladesh.

Increasing employment by creating value from plastic waste in Bangladesh project

The “Increasing Employment by Creating Value from Plastic Waste in Bangladesh” project, supported by DANIDA Market Development Partnership (DMDP), focuses on converting single-use polythene into fuel oil. A plant in Faridpur processes 21,586.7 kg of plastic waste, producing 1,292 kg of pyrolysis fuel and 145 kg of black carbon.